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10 Main Causes of Engine Overheating

10 Main Causes of Engine Overheating

Engine overheating  is a problem that often occurs in cars. It can cause serious damage to the machine if it is not handled quickly and appropriately. Here are 10 causes of engine overheating:

Damaged Radiator Cap (Radiator Cap)

The radiator lid plays an important role in maintaining the pressure inside the radiator so that it does not boil and evaporate. Periodically inspect the radiator cap for possible damage to its parts.

Faulty Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor functions to send a temperature signal on the ECM or ECU. If this temperature sensor is damaged, the signal cannot be sent correctly to the ECM/ECU, thus causing the engine to overheat. Do not neglect the temperature sensor that is already not able to work properly.

Clogged Radiator Fins

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The function of the radiator fins is to assist the process of releasing heat from the radiator to the outside air. If the radiator fins are clogged, heat cannot be properly expelled, causing overheating. Clean the radiator fins from garbage and foreign objects blocking the release of heat.

Improper use of coolant

When maintaining optimal engine performance, proper use of coolant is essential. A coolant is a mixture of water with anti-freeze or ethylene glycol. The anti-freeze added material serves to prevent the cooling water from freezing when the temperature reaches 0oC and prevent the water from boiling when the temperature reaches 100oC. 

In addition, anti-freeze will also help lower the water temperature when the water reaches its boiling point of 100oC and even help the cooling water when the temperature has not reached normal temperature. The ideal cooling water mixture is 50% anti-freeze and 50% water. In some cases, especially in winter, the amount of anti-freeze can be increased by up to 70%.

Radiator Fan Not Working

Radiator fans are an important component in the cooling system of a car engine. Its function is to help the air flow pass through the radiator and make the cooling process more effective. The radiator fan is placed behind the radiator and can be driven with the help of a motor. 

However, some modern engines do not always activate them, especially when the vehicle is running fast. However, when the engine revs are low or idle, a radiator fan is indispensable to ensure cold air flows well through the radiator. Make sure to check the radiator fan and the motor periodically to ensure optimal performance.

Jam Water Pump

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One of the important parts of the cooling system in a car engine is a water pump. The water pump is located behind the radiator fan and serves to circulate cooling water through the water-jacket and handle the heat generated from combustion before being flowed to the radiator to release heat. These systems should be inspected regularly to detect damage to the gasket or corrosion that may degrade their performance.

Broken Thermostat

Others, a faulty temperature sensor or thermostat can also cause the car engine to overheat. A faulty temperature sensor can send the wrong temperature signal on the ECM/ECU, making it unable to adjust the process that occurs in the engine and resulting in overheating.

Blockage of Radiator Hose

The cooling line, which consists of an upper hose and a lower hose, is essential in your vehicle's cooling system. However, from time to time, it is possible that this channel is damaged. 

Blockages in the lines can occur due to leakage or damage to the radiator cap, leading to vacuuming and shrinking of the radiator channels. Check these lines periodically and do not allow this problem to drag on so as not to cause overheating of the engine.

Disadvantages of Radiator Water

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Coolant is an essential element of the cooling system, it is absolutely absolute to always ensure a sufficient amount of coolant. Check the amount of coolant through the radiator or through the backup tank daily or every time you use the vehicle. Remember that a lack of coolant will cause damage to the engine.

Problematic Drive Belt

In addition, the driving belt is also an important part that must be checked. This belt is used to pass the rotation from the crankshaft to the water pump. 

If the belt is loose, the rotation of the crankshaft pulley will not be passed properly to the water pump, causing poor coolant circulation and increased engine temperature. Do not allow this problem to occur and check the drive belt periodically to maintain the performance of your machine.

If you experience overheating problems while on the way and far from the place to seek help, immediately contact Suzuki Emergency Roadside Assistance (SERA) at the 08001100800 number to be able to get 24-hour assistance such as looking for help with simple repair tutorials, technician services that come directly to your location or information on the location of the nearest Suzuki repair shop from your area.

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