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What Is An Electronic Ticket? How Does It Work? Check The Info Here!

What is Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE)? Basically, electronic ticketing is the use of advanced technology to monitor and control traffic violations on a number of road sections. Check out the full explanation regarding the ETLE system in the following AUKSI article.

The implementation of the ticketing system continues to be carried out in stages on various road sections. As we know, this electronic ticketing system (ETLE) has been in effect in several regions in Indonesia since March 2021. In the first phase of ETLE implementation, there are 12 police stations with 244 electronic ticket cameras that have been operated. Meanwhile, the implementation of the second phase of the electronic ticketing system is planned to run in 2023 and will be implemented in 14 police stations with 38 static cameras and two running cameras.

Although this electronic ticketing system has been running for more than 1 year, some of us may still not know what electronic ticketing is and how it works. Therefore, in the following article we will present the explanation for you. Come on, check it out!

What Is An Electronic Ticket? How Does It Work? Check The Info Here!

What Is Electronic Ticketing?

Electronic ticketing is a ticketing system with the application of technologically advanced monitoring cameras to control traffic violations on a number of road sections. The implementation of this information technology is carried out to catch violations in traffic electronically in order to support security, safety, and order in traffic.

Electronic ticketing itself is a form of the National Police's efforts to improve the safety of road users. With increasingly advanced technology, the National Police can crack down on traffic offenders more quickly and easily because it utilizes ETLE cameras that are active for 24 hours non-stop. The camera will monitor and capture images automatically whenever a traffic violation occurs on a section of the road.

If it turns out that the violation was committed by a motorcyclist, then the motorist will receive a letter confirming the violation from the police via POS. The letter will be sent no later than 3 days after the violation was committed.

Types of Violations Affected by Electronic Ticketing

It should be noted that electronic ticketing is carried out based on Law (UU) Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation and Government Regulation (PP) Number 80 of 2012 concerning Procedures for Inspection of Motor Vehicles on the Road and Enforcement of Traffic and Road Transportation Violations. The system provides a guarantee of the application of the same law to all parties participating in traffic and applies to all types of vehicles.

Based on Law (UU) Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ), the following are the types of traffic violations that can be acted upon by electronic ticketing:

  • Violating traffic signs and road markings;
  • Not wearing a safety belt;
  • Driving while operating a smartphone;
  • Breaking speed limits;
  • Using fake license plates or not having plates;
  • Drive against the current;
  • Running a red light;
  • Not wearing an SNI helmet;
  • There were more than three people;
  • Do not turn on the lights at night and during the day for motorcycles.

Amount of Electronic Ticket Fines

Please note that the amount of ticket fines will vary according to the type of traffic violation committed. here is the nominal fine that must be paid by the traffic violation:

  • Violating traffic signs and road markings, a fine of Idr 500,000
  • Playing smartphone while driving is fined Rp 750,000
  • Not using a safety belt, a fine of Rp 250,000
  • Not using an SNI helmet for motorcyclists, a fine of Rp. 250,000
  • Using fake vehicle license plates, a maximum fine of Idr 500,000
  • Violating the speed limit, a maximum fine of IDR 500,000
  • Running a red light, a fine of Rp 500,000
  • Against the flow, a maximum fine of Rp 500,000
  • With more than 3 people, a maximum fine of Rp. 250,000
  • Not turning on the lights during the day for the motorbike, a maximum fine of Rp 100,000

Mechanism or How Electronic Ticketing Works

According to the explanation from the Korlantas Polri, this electronic ticketing system or ETLE works through 5 stages as follows:

1. Arrest of traffic violations

First, the ETLE device's sensor will monitor the road section and will automatically capture images of traffic violations. The system will then send the media of evidence of violations to the ETLE Back Office.

2. Validate the evidence

Next, the officer will carry out the validation process of the evidence sent by the ETLE system. Officers will identify license plates and vehicle data using Electronic Registration & Identification (ERI).

3. Sending confirmation letters to traffic offenders

The officer will then send a confirmation letter via POS to the public address of the motor vehicle for a request for confirmation of the traffic violation that has been committed. This confirmation letter is the first step in enforcing electronic ticketing where the vehicle owner will later confirm the ownership of the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle at the time of the violation.

4. Traffic violations confirm

When the letter has been received, the recipient of the letter or traffic violator is required to confirm by coming directly to the office of the Sub Directorate of Law Enforcement or throughthe website. On the website, you can also find photos or videos of vehicles suspected of violating traffic.

Keep in mind that traffic violators or mail recipients can confirm with a time limit of 8 days from the occurrence of violations. In addition, if it turns out that the vehicle in question is no longer his vehicle, then the recipient of the confirmation letter can also confirm on the available website.

Violators are expected to be able to confirm immediately. This needs to be done because when the vehicle owner does not confirm the violation or does not pay the ticket fine, the STNK can be subject to temporary blocking sanctions.

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