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The Classification Of Highways By Their Function

As a link between one region and another, the government has arranged the classification of highways based on their function. Want to know what are these classifications? Check out the information in our article below.

The highway according to the KBBI is a large and wide road, usually originating and passable by large vehicles such as trucks or buses from two opposite directions. Meanwhile, according to Law Number 38 of 2004 concerning Roads, the definition of a highway is a public road for continuous traffic with limited control of the entrance road and equipped with a median, at least 2 (two) lanes in each direction.

Every day, we go through and use the facilities provided by the country. Without a highway, of course we will have difficulties because vehicles do not have access to be able to get to the location we want to go.

Well, as one of the users of these facilities, did you know that there are several classifications of highways based on their functions? If you don't know it yet, here we present an explanation for the classification of highways.

The Classification Of Highways By Their Function

Classification of Highways By Road Function

1. Arterial roads

Arterial roads are public roads that can be used by transport vehicles. In Law Number 38 of 2004 Article 8, it is explained that arterial roads are public roads that function to serve main transportation with the characteristics of long-distance travel, high average speed, and the number of entrances is effectively limited.

Arterial roads are then classified into two types, namely:

  • Primary arterial roads

Primary arterial roads are arterial roads on a national-level regional scale. So, this type of road serves to connect between the National Activity Center (PKN) or between the National Activity Center (PKN) and the Regional Activity Center (PKW).

Please note, primary arterial roads have technical requirements. Some of them seem to have a road body width of at least 11 meters and the lowest allowable vehicle speed is 60 kilometers per hour. Then, vehicular traffic on these primary arterial roads should not be dependent on shuttle traffic, local traffic, or local activities. Primary arterial roads should also not be cut off in urban areas or urban development areas.

  • Secondary arterial roads

Secondary arterial roads are arterial roads on an urban scale. This type of road serves to connect the primary area with the first secondary area and the second secondary area. For the characteristics or technical requirements of secondary arterial roads is to have a road body width of at least 11 meters and the lowest vehicle speed is 30 kilometers per hour. Fast traffic on secondary arterial roads should not be interrupted by slow traffic.

2. Collector's way

In accordance with Law Number 38 of 2004, collector roads are public roads that function to serve collection or divider transportation with the characteristics of medium-distance travel, moderate average speed, and the number of driveways is limited. Collector roads are classified into two types namely:

  • Primary collector road

Primary collector roads are collector roads that serve to connect the National Activity Center (PKN) with the Local Activity Center (PKL), between Regional Activity Centers (PKW), or between Regional Activity Centers (PKW) and Local Activity Centers (PKL). The lowest vehicle speed on this road is 40 kilometers per hour. For the size of the road body width is at least 9 meters. In addition, primary collector roads should not be cut off in urban areas or urban development areas.

  • Secondary collector road

A secondary collector road is a collector's road that serves to connect the second secondary area with the second secondary area, or the second secondary area with the third secondary area. The lowest vehicle speed on secondary collector roads is 20 kilometers per hour. As for the size of the road body width is at least 9 meters.

3. Local roads

Based on Law Number 38 of 2004 Article 8, local roads are public roads that function to serve local transportation with the characteristics of short-distance travel and low average speed. Local roads are also divided into two types, namely primary and secondary with the following explanation:

  • Primary local roads

Primary local roads are local roads on a local level regional scale. The function of this road is to connect the National Activity Center (PKN) with the Environmental Activity Center (PKLn), between the Regional Activity Center (PKW) and the Environmental Activity Center (PKLn), between local activity centers (PKL), or Local Activity Centers with Environmental Activity Centers (PKLn), as well as between Environmental Activity Centers (PKLn).

The lowest vehicle speed on primary local roads is 20 kilometers per hour. Then for the size of the road body width is at least 7.5 meters. This road should also not be cut off in rural areas.

  • Secondary local roads

Secondary local roads are local roads on an urban scale. The function of secondary local roads is to connect the first, second, and third secondary areas with residential areas. The lowest vehicle speed on secondary local roads is 10 kilometers per hour, and the size of the road body width is 7.5 meters.

4. Neighborhood roads

Law Number 38 of 2004 Article 8 explains that environmental roads are public roads that function to serve environmental transportation with the characteristics of short-distance travel, and low average speed. Environmental roads are also classified into two types, namely:

  • Primary neighborhood roads

Primary environmental roads serve to connect activities within rural areas and connect roads within rural areas. The lowest vehicle speed on primary environmental roads is 15 kilometers per hour. For the size of the road body width for three-wheeled motor vehicles or more is at least 6.5 meters. As for non-motorized and non-wheeled vehicles of three or more wheels, it is a minimum of 3.5 meters.

  • Secondary neighborhood roads

Secondary neighborhood roads serve to connect between parcels within urban areas. The lowest speed on this road is 10 kilometers per hour. For the size of the road body width for three-wheeled motor vehicles or more is at least 6.5 meters. Then for non-motorized and non-wheeled vehicles three or more is 3.5 meters.

Those are some classifications of highways based on their functions. Basically, various types of roads are provided to connect between regions so that we can have access to carry out various activities in other areas or regions.

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